Members Only Art Exhibition Feb. 2025 Plainview Old Bethpage Library, Awards Ceremony Feb. 22 from 1PM-3PM please bring a refreshment to share Pick Up -Sat. March 1 from 10AM -12PM
Best in Show Member Exhibit Feb. 2025 Teresa Cromwell “The Back of the Train” Watercolor
June Open Exhibit Registration opens May 1 Harborgreen Library June 1-June 28
Barnes Gallery Exhibition September 1-30 registration opens August 1-17
Original Art: An artwork is original when it is the artist’s idea, executed and designed by the artist. This means, if the reference was from a photo, the artist took the photo. It cannot be from the Internet, a photo in a calendar, or another person’s photo because they are not our photos and thedesign is not ours. The painting may not be done in any class,from a teacher’s example, or any step-by-step instruction.Any artwork created in class is not considered original. Composition is as important as the execution of the work. A judge looks for how well the artwork is painted, drawn, and designed. The design is the foundation that holds the artwork together drawing the viewer’s attention.You cannot make someone else’s image your own. The work must be your own from start to finish. Receiving/Removal of Artwork: Many members do not realise the delicate and complicated arrangements we make with the space where exhibits are held. If the time for Receiving or Pick-up of art work is impossible for a member, you must contact us to make alternate arrangements (either have someone bring your painting to the exhibition site or take your painting home). You must receive confirmation from us about any receiving or pick-up changes ( do not just assume it is ok). If prior arrangements are not done in writing by both parties the artist will be charged a storage fee, as indicated on the prospectus.
About SAL Memorial Awards
Dan Slapo Memorial Award of Excellence 1926-2019
A member of the Pastel Society of America since 1978, Dan Slapo was honored with the designation of Hall of Fame in 2013 and received Master Pastelist status in 2006. Dan was a long-term member of the PSA Board of Governors since 1995-2008 serving as membership chair. The consummate teacher, Dan, would write a short critique to each rejected applicant with kind words of encouragement. He was beloved by his students and friends. We are honored that Dan’s family considered a memorial donation to SAL to honor his memory.
Tony LaMarca Best in Show Memorial Award 1934-2021
Many found a special friendship with Tony, whose lives he touched in many ways. His kindness exceeded his amazing talents as an artist and chef. His introduction of watercolor painting to others was enhanced greatly by his encouragement. He was larger than life and President of SAL for many years. He was beloved by his students and friends. SAL is honored to keep his memory alive with this award.
Sue Ditkowsky Memorial Merit Award 1939-2022
Sue was a wonderful person and talented artist. She was an important part of SAL holding many places on the Board including President.
Friends and loved ones share amazing stories about her strength and character, her love of art, and travel. Her memory lives on through her children and the beautiful art she created for all to enjoy. SAL is honored to have designated funds to cover an award to honor Sue from the sale of her art supplies her family so generously donated to support the funding of this award.