President, 1st VP and Corresponding Secretary positions will be open June 2024
1. President create and send Board agenda and newsletter, run the board meetings, intro demo artists, and get checks from treasurer for events, submit info for publication on website/Facebook
2. 1st Vice President cover for President in case of absence, assist in hanging exhibits, attend Board Meeting
3. 2nd Vice President cover for 1st Vice President, proofread newsletter before distribution, write up review on demo night for newsletter, attend Board Meeting
4. Treasurer track all income and expenses, write checks to demo artists, judges, hostess, and reimbursements, present report at Board Meeting, take donation for tickets at each demo for prize winner
5. Recording Secretary Record minutes at Board Meeting, submit to Board for approval making any corrections if needed, submit final copy to President for file
6. Corresponding secretary Participate in monthly Board meetings, use templates, letterhead, Postage and envelopes (all provided to you) to mail correspondence such as thank you letters, requests for donations, condolences, etc., via UPS or email. All you need is time and a computer!
7. Membership Chair collect forms and payments, keep records, send reminders of renewal, attend Board meeting to make membership report
8. Program Chairperson obtain 10 demo artists for monthly demos well in advance of demo from list provided. Provide Artist bio info. and two images of their work to newsletter coordinator for publication. Contact artist week before as reminder and if any special set up needed. Contact Woodbury center night coordinator Monday as reminder of set up needed Tuesday
9. Audio Visual Director Duties include attend monthly meetings one half hour prior to set up audio visual equipment (provided) for demos; take pictures during demos and forward to President, for publication. All you need is time and an artistic eye!
10. Exhibit Chairperson and Assistants set dates, location, entry fee amount for exhibits (Barnes Nov., Plainview Old Bethpage Library in Feb., and June location TBD) setup of forms for website and demo distribution, track entries, and implementation of printings for exhibits. Be contact person for sales and location coordinator.
11. Hostesses purchase refreshments, cups, napkins, plates, etc. and submit receipt to Treasurer for reimbursement. Make coffee and hot water, set up and breakdown refreshment table at demos and several other events (two awards receptions)
We cannot do this without your help please consider assisting in anyway you can . If you have a friend and would like to do a job as co-chairs that would be great!